The Essentials to Follow in Recipe Measuring

The Essentials to Follow in Recipe Measuring

Accurately measured ingredients can often be the difference between perfect food and not-so-perfect ones, so it’s key to read recipes carefully and measure ingredients properly. With these measuring do’s and don’ts, you’re set to tackle any quite bread, cake, cookie, or pie your heart (or stomach) desires.

DO get yourself a group of proper measuring cups and spoons. Cups and teaspoons are standardized units of measurement that need specific tools — a daily cup or spoon won’t cut it.

DON’T use liquid measuring cups with dry ingredients. Though you’ll quite escape with using dry measuring cups for liquids, it doesn’t work the opposite way around. Measuring spoons are often used for either dry or wet ingredients.

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DO read and follow directions carefully. “1 cup sifted all-purpose flour” and “1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted” aren’t equivalent to the thing. You sift the flour before measuring it within the former and after within the latter, which results in different amounts of flour.

DON’T use your cup to scoop out the flour. We recommend you spoon it into the cup then level it off instead.

DO pack sugar into measuring cups and spoons. Packing is that the standard way sugar (but only brown sugar) is measured for all recipes.

DON’T tilt your utensils when measuring liquids. An un-level cup can cause an error, so always set it on a flat surface to urge an accurate reading.

DO read liquid measurements from the side. to urge an accurate reading you want to view from the side to ascertain where the rock bottom of the meniscus (the curve at the highest of liquids caused by surface tension) lands.

DON’T forget to coat your measuring cups and spoons with nonstick cooking spray before filling with sticky substances like honey, agave, or syrup. The spray will help them slide out with ease.

DO invest during a digital scale if you plan to try too much baking. it’s the most accurate method of measuring ingredients. make certain to zero out the size after adding a bowl to carry your ingredients, and confirm your scale is about to either grams or ounces per the recipe.

DON’T confuse ounces with fluid ounces. the primary may be a measure of weight, and therefore the second may be a measure of volume (though for water — and other liquids of comparable density — they’re equivalent).

DO get to baking! Now that you are a measuring pro, all that’s left is to grab some recipes and preheat your oven.

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