How to Clean Your Kitchen Before You Move

How to Clean Your Kitchen Before You Move

Finalizing the kitchen cleaning before moving out can be a daunting task. Over the course of your residence, greasy residue above the stove and crumbs in the farthest reaches of your cabinets accumulate. Before turning out the lights, removing this grime may be one of the most time-consuming tasks you must perform.

This list will help you deep clean your kitchen over the course of a few weeks and leave it spotless on your last day, whether you’re preparing for a walkthrough at a rental or simply want to leave your home in the best possible condition for the buyers. Flyttevask bergen

What You’ll Require

Before you begin, gather your cleaning materials. You can use store-bought products, but many homemade remedies are equally or more effective. Choose your path, or use a combination of store-bought and homemade cleaning products. Here are the necessities for getting started.

Protective gloves
sponges or kitchen towels
Microfiber fabric
Hand towels
Universal cleaner
Dishwashing soap
Oven degreaser
Floor polish
Products for unique surface types (wood, stainless steel, etc.)

You’ll need these items for a more organic approach.

White vinegar
Baking soda
Table salt Lemons
Two to Three Weeks Prior to Relocation

Getting a head start on your kitchen’s deep cleaning will reduce your stress in the days preceding your move. Plan to spend some time while cooking during the weeknights and one hour on the weekend to begin the cleaning process.

Determine which items are indispensable. (Can you get by for the next few weeks without making waffles?) Start packing your non-essentials.
While packing non-essential items, consolidate them.
Sweep or vacuum each cabinet and drawer as you empty them to remove crumbs. Use an all-purpose cleaner or a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts water to clean the interior.
Start taking stock of the contents of your refrigerator. Although it is too early for a thorough cleaning, you will have less to deal with in the future if you dispose of the expired sauces now.
One to Two Weeks Prior to Relocation

As you continue to pack non-essential kitchen items, shift your focus to your appliances. You’ll likely need to wipe them down on moving day, but by performing the deep cleaning now, you’ll be able to focus on other tasks.

Depending on the size of the oven racks, run them through the dishwasher or soak them in a tub containing dishwasher detergent tablets. (Remember to line the bathtub with towels to prevent damage.)
Meanwhile, clean the interior of the oven. Open windows for ventilation when using an aerosol oven cleaner, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Spray the interior with a solution of water and dish soap (one cup water to one tablespoon dish soap). Let stand five minutes. Scrub away the dirt and wipe with a damp sponge.
Vacuum or sweep the warming drawer to remove any crumbs. Wipe the exterior of the oven.

Remove and set aside the racks.
Remove the filter’s screw and wash it with hot water. Soak it in a solution of hot water and dish soap, and then use a toothbrush to remove any remaining debris. Repeat for each inner filter.
Next, detach the arm (or arms). Scrub and rinse with hot water to remove any debris. Use a toothpick to remove any accumulation from the arm’s holes.
Spray and wipe the interior with an all-purpose cleaner.
Replace the shelving.
Apply an all-purpose cleaner to the exterior, followed by a microfiber cloth.
One to Two Days Prior to Relocation

Some cleaning tasks must be delayed until the final days. However, if you’ve been cleaning your kitchen little by little over the past few weeks, you should be well on your way to a spotless kitchen.

Remove all items from the refrigerator, including those from the freezer. Any forgotten expired or moldy items should be discarded.
Shelves and drawers that are detachable and retractors that slide out are available. Soak them in hot, soapy water.
Use an all-purpose cleaner or a mixture of one cup water, one cup vinegar, and one teaspoon dish soap to clean the interior.
Using a baking soda and water paste, scrub away any food remnants or discolorations that have become crusty.
Clean shelves and drawers with water. Cleanse and replace.
Place items back in the refrigerator.
Cleanse the exterior. If your refrigerator is made of stainless steel, use a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water and a microfiber cloth to clean it.

A bowl should be filled with one cup of water. Halve a lemon, squeeze its juice into a bowl, and add the lemon halves. Microwave for a few minutes, then let stand for a few minutes in the microwave.
Remove the bowl and clean the inside. If the steam has not dislodged all food particles, scrub with a baking soda paste.
Use an all-purpose cleaner, dish soap and water, or a mixture of vinegar and water to clean the exterior. Utilize a microfiber cloth for drying.
Empty all remaining cupboards and drawers. Assemble the items, vacuum up any crumbs, and clean the interiors.
Remove the knobs and pulls. Soak them in soapy, hot water.
Use a toothbrush to clean exterior crevices of debris. Wipe the exterior with soapy water, rinsing frequently so as not to spread the dirt, and dry with a microfiber cloth.
Rinse knobs and pulls. They should be dried and then screwed into place.

Remove the door handles and soak them in hot, soapy water.
Remove the hood’s filter and place it in the soapy water.
If your stove has burners or grates, soak them in a solution composed of two parts water, one part vinegar, and a dash of dish soap.
Some stove tops, such as glass, require special cleaning products. Follow the cleaning instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Rinse and reinstall the hood’s screen, knobs, burners, and grates.
Moving Day

It should not be difficult to add the final touches to your kitchen. Start by wiping down the exteriors of the appliances, the stove top, and the cabinets, if necessary. Then, you should focus on the remaining tasks. Flyttevask bergen
